Leasing - Minikoparka KOMATSU PC35MR-5 - Truck1, ID:
Polska - Polski | PLN
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Leasing KOMATSU PC35MR-5


Opublikowane: 6mies. 2d.

Opublikowane: 6mies. 2d.


Rok produkcji




3725 kg

Italy, PIAZZA FERNANDO DE LUCIA 35/37 00139 ROMA RM, Italy
rodzaj paliwa

moc silnika

18 hp

diesel a iniezione diretta 3D88E-7 a 4 tempi raffreddato ad acqua Komatsu
Przegląd przed zakupem
Więcej informacji

Power: 18.2 kW / 24.4 HP @ 2200 rpm



KOMATSU PC35MR-5 Performance and Versatility

The PC35MR-5, with its small turning radius, can provide optimal power and digging speed when working in confined spaces: between houses or closely spaced buildings, on road construction sites, in demolition work or in sewers, where conventional machines are unable to operate.

Robustness and excellent stability ensure safety and confidence in all conditions.

Auto decelerator (standard)

Automatic shutdown in case of inactivity (standard)

1st proportional line (standard)

newly developed electronic hydraulic controls

selectable operation modes


The small-radius PC35MR-5 provides optimum power and digging speed when working in confined spaces: between houses or closely spaced buildings, on road construction sites, in demolition work or in sewers, where conventional machines cannot operate. Robustness and excellent stability ensure safety and confidence in all conditions.

Accuracy of controls

The CLSS (Closed-centre Load Sensing System) hydraulic system gives perfect force, speed and control to all movements, even simultaneous ones. The special feature of this system is the coupling of a variable-displacement pump to a closed-center distributor with compensating valves, which allows all movements to be carried out with maximum efficiency, regardless of the load and engine speed.


A 3.5" high-definition LCD monitor ensures excellent visibility. The high-definition LCD is less affected by viewing angle and surrounding brightness, ensuring excellent visibility. Various alarms and machine information are displayed in a simple format. Useful information such as historical data on machine operation, machine settings, and maintenance data are also provided. The operator can easily switch between screens.


All periodic inspection points are easily accessible. Extraordinary maintenance work can be carried out by simply tilting the cab.

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